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New midgame/endgame

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New midgame/endgame Empty New midgame/endgame

Post by Jono Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:39 pm

[3:03:38 PM] Jono (Integral) says: essentially my idea was to add something in at 50 days to affect endgame
[3:04:02 PM] Jono (Integral) says: 250 crystals are released in every quad
[3:04:06 PM] xxx says: sweeeeeet... did you read in forums about midgame artifacts?
[3:04:12 PM] Jono (Integral) says: yes...they are horrible
[3:04:13 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Neutral
[3:04:19 PM] yyy says: crystals?
[3:04:24 PM] Jono (Integral) says: yes..
[3:04:31 PM] Jono (Integral) says: they are undefended, just sitting there for people to take
[3:04:37 PM] Jono (Integral) says: lol
[3:04:48 PM] yyy says: and you get to know where they are and tell us to go get them
[3:04:52 PM] Jono (Integral) says: yes
[3:05:03 PM] Jono (Integral) says: if you send troops and hit a village with a crystal
[3:05:05 PM] Jono (Integral) says: you take it
[3:05:07 PM] Jono (Integral) says: no hero needed
[3:05:21 PM] yyy says: lol one lil lego will do the trick?
[3:05:28 PM] Jono (Integral) says: only if it survives
[3:05:29 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Wink
[3:05:40 PM] Jono (Integral) says: anyway, you take it back to your village and it can't be moved
[3:05:40 PM] yyy says: but it isn't defended ?
[3:05:43 PM] Jono (Integral) says: not by NPC
[3:05:46 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Wink
[3:05:56 PM] Jono (Integral) says: and its illegal for the alliance to move it
[3:06:01 PM] Jono (Integral) says: to prevent mass movement to 400,400
[3:06:02 PM] Jono (Integral) says: lmao
[3:06:14 PM] yyy says: lol interesting
[3:06:22 PM] Jono (Integral) says: so every hour points are counted for every crystal you have
[3:06:23 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Smile
[3:06:33 PM] Jono (Integral) says: on a alliance basis
[3:06:39 PM] yyy says: i'll have 50 of em
[3:06:45 PM] xxx says: wait
[3:06:48 PM] Jono (Integral) says: also, on the profile each player gets a little icon where each crystal is
[3:06:52 PM] xxx says: is that final?
[3:06:57 PM] Jono (Integral) says: no...this is my idea
[3:07:00 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Razz
[3:07:03 PM] xxx says: aww
[3:07:15 PM] Jono (Integral) says: so basically defend them like mad
[3:07:26 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Wink
[3:07:32 PM] Jono (Integral) says: but there's 250 per quad
[3:07:33 PM] Jono (Integral) says: 1000 total
[3:07:36 PM] Jono (Integral) says: so you can't bubble like a WW
[3:08:06 PM] Jono (Integral) says: think about how much it would take to hold 200 crystals
[3:08:11 PM] xxx says: what's the crystal for?
[3:08:13 PM] Jono (Integral) says: 10k defense each is 2 mil WW
[3:08:20 PM] Jono (Integral) says: *2 mil total
[3:08:31 PM] Jono (Integral) says: well, at endgame the crytals give you points
[3:08:54 PM] Jono (Integral) says: to purchase various advantages for the alliance
[3:09:00 PM] xxx says: what about the WW?
[3:09:14 PM] Jono (Integral) says: essentially bonuses will be +20% resources, -50% wheat consumption, +10% attack, and +10% defense
[3:09:15 PM] Jono (Integral) says: no more WW
[3:09:16 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Wink
[3:09:30 PM] xxx says: aww
[3:09:34 PM] xxx says: so the race will be what?
[3:09:38 PM] Jono (Integral) says: attack and defense can be compounded
[3:09:52 PM] xxx says: to get 50crystals?
[3:09:55 PM] Jono (Integral) says: and it will need to be set so that almost nobody can go all the way through end game w/ full bonuses
[3:10:02 PM] Jono (Integral) says: but the larger alliances can make it to week 2-3
[3:10:10 PM] Jono (Integral) says: no..crystals disappear at the 100 day mark
[3:10:15 PM] Jono (Integral) says: their purpose is to make it exciting until WW
[3:10:46 PM] xxx says: i thought you said no more WW
[3:10:49 PM] Jono (Integral) says: I did
[3:10:53 PM] Jono (Integral) says: well, endgame sorry, not WW
[3:10:59 PM] Jono (Integral) says: at endgame a HUGE horde of NPC spawns
[3:11:03 PM] Jono (Integral) says: one for each player
[3:11:14 PM] Jono (Integral) says: 100-1000 pop, with 100 troops per population (half offense half defense)
[3:13:54 PM] Jono (Integral) says: all one village of course
[3:14:21 PM] Jono (Integral) says: the NPCs start mass attacking their player, and are named after them and their alliance tag
[3:14:28 PM] Jono (Integral) says: so you can see what your alliance has to kill
[3:14:34 PM] Jono (Integral) says: if an NPC clears your village it dies
[3:14:38 PM] Jono (Integral) says: if you clear its village it dies
[3:14:54 PM] Jono (Integral) says: unless you kill 50%+ of its attacking troop
[3:14:55 PM] Jono (Integral) says: *troops
[3:15:23 PM] Jono (Integral) says: idk
[3:15:42 PM] Jono (Integral) says: anyway, new villages are turned off
[3:15:46 PM] Jono (Integral) says: no conquerings
[3:15:56 PM] Jono (Integral) says: endgame will be almost entirely people v. NPC
[3:16:00 PM] xxx says: are you sending that proposal to taranis?
[3:16:06 PM] Jono (Integral) says: hell yes I am
[3:16:07 PM] Jono (Integral) says: =P
[3:16:10 PM] xxx says: cool
[3:16:25 PM] yyy says: yes you should ... keeps it interesting and has a lot to work with
[3:16:37 PM] Jono (Integral) says: anyway...first week NPCs can be relatively that all the decent alliances can take them out
[3:16:37 PM] xxx says: i agree
[3:16:48 PM] xxx says: and not just to raid and raid
[3:16:52 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Smile
[3:17:01 PM] Jono (Integral) says: you'd want to destroy your entire quad
[3:17:12 PM] Jono (Integral) says: oh..guess NPC shouldn't spawn for under 500 pop players
[3:17:21 PM] Jono (Integral) says: or even under 100 pop
[3:17:29 PM] Jono (Integral) says: if you let noobs live
[3:17:37 PM] Jono (Integral) says: then their NPC will come to eat you after it eats them
[3:17:41 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Razz
[3:17:49 PM] Jono (Integral) says: anyway, if an NPC gets destroyed
[3:17:55 PM] Jono (Integral) says: it adds to the NPC destroy count
[3:18:12 PM] xxx says: wow that's a huge mod
[3:18:15 PM] Jono (Integral) says: we can have a hot stat with top NPC destroyers, villages lost, etc.
[3:18:17 PM] Jono (Integral) says: it is
[3:18:25 PM] xxx says: i want to be a beta player
[3:18:27 PM] Jono (Integral) says: so after 1 week (or 10 days, w/e) all the NPCs spawn again
[3:18:29 PM] xxx says: for that
[3:18:43 PM] Jono (Integral) says: you couldn't beta it
[3:18:47 PM] Jono (Integral) says: its large scale
[3:18:59 PM] Jono (Integral) says: but NPCs go random the second time
[3:19:03 PM] Jono (Integral) says: (completely random...)
[3:19:09 PM] Jono (Integral) says: so destroying them makes it easier on you
[3:19:30 PM] Jono (Integral) says: but..they come back so much stronger
[3:19:36 PM] Jono (Integral) says: admin has mod controls to control the averages
[3:19:51 PM] xxx says: but the problem is that if their server can make those no. of NPC spawning 1:1 per player
[3:20:05 PM] Jono (Integral) says: and all living NPCs get all troops back
[3:20:10 PM] Jono (Integral) says: oh..forgot
[3:20:19 PM] Jono (Integral) says: NPC gains troops back at a rate of 2% to the maximum per hour, offensively
[3:20:27 PM] Jono (Integral) says: defensively they don't come back until the week ends
[3:20:44 PM] Jono (Integral) says: so...yeah..2nd week most weaker alliances would die
[3:21:02 PM] Jono (Integral) says: admin turns it up, and mass carnage happens
[3:21:08 PM] xxx says: awww
[3:21:23 PM] Jono (Integral) says: 4th week turns it up enough to make more carnage...if it doesn't end by then the 5th week is decimating
[3:21:51 PM] Jono (Integral) says: your alliance is eliminated when all players have 0 pop
[3:21:56 PM] Jono (Integral) says: last alliance standing wins
[3:22:02 PM] xxx says: wow
[3:22:06 PM] Jono (Integral) says: sound fun?
[3:22:13 PM] Jono (Integral) says: would be easy to program
[3:22:18 PM] Jono (Integral) says: crystals are incredibly simple
[3:22:20 PM] yyy says: oh hell yea i like that
[3:22:26 PM] Jono (Integral) says: NPCs just have to auto target a player
[3:22:29 PM] Jono (Integral) says: random village
[3:22:34 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Smile
[3:22:37 PM] xxx says: like travian: king of the hill
[3:22:45 PM] Jono (Integral) says: yeah, sound great? Very Happy:D
[3:22:56 PM] Jono (Integral) says: and crystals would make endgame way better...
[3:23:00 PM] Jono (Integral) says: well, better for the alliance
[3:23:09 PM] xxx says: but can the people still login even if they are destroyed?
[3:23:12 PM] Jono (Integral) says: so everyone would fight over that
[3:23:15 PM] Jono (Integral) says: oh yeah, of course
[3:23:19 PM] Jono (Integral) says: that would ruin it if you got kicked off
[3:23:19 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Sad
[3:23:35 PM] xxx says: so it'll be like 5week game only?
[3:23:38 PM] Jono (Integral) says: endgame
[3:23:45 PM] Jono (Integral) says: 4-5 weeks
[3:23:50 PM] Jono (Integral) says: 3 weeks if they really, really suck
[3:23:51 PM] Jono (Integral) says: Razz
[3:23:51 PM] xxx says: not bad
[3:24:05 PM] Jono (Integral) says: yup...what would happen is
[3:24:10 PM] Jono (Integral) says: first week all little alliances get obliterated
[3:24:21 PM] Jono (Integral) says: and larger alliances take a toll if they didn't bother to clean their quad
[3:24:25 PM] Jono (Integral) says: from all the NPCs runnning around
[3:24:51 PM] Jono (Integral) says: second week the rest would go down...and NPCs would basically all get zeroed from the remaining "good" quads
[3:25:01 PM] Jono (Integral) says: then it would spread out evenly and be a fight for survival

This basically sums it asked most of the questions that were obvious.

The one and only

Number of posts : 64
Registration date : 2008-12-11

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Ieatsurbabiez? Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:17 pm

Not bad. I think it would be more fun if you started loosing pop everyday and your goal is to be the last man standing. All alliances automatically disband and every man is for them self. Obviously it wouldn't work because of multi or have villages lined up but it would be fun to be all alone.

Number of posts : 70
Registration date : 2008-11-19

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Jono Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:32 pm

Nah...that would kill the game. This will actually destroy everyone, lmao
The one and only

Number of posts : 64
Registration date : 2008-12-11

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Ieatsurbabiez? Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:34 pm

I suppose, though npcs wouldn't be much fun to fight.

Number of posts : 70
Registration date : 2008-11-19

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Jono Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:39 pm

They would be plenty fun when they are zeroing everyone around you, and your entire alliance has to actively destroy them or get crushed. Cool
The one and only

Number of posts : 64
Registration date : 2008-12-11

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Ieatsurbabiez? Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:19 pm

But everyone would save there troops beyond WW hammers because they would die instantly if they don't. Also on a side note I just got fucking banned again on the forums. I was unbanned for like 6 hours...

2 in the period of 3 days, fuck me.

Number of posts : 70
Registration date : 2008-11-19

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Jono Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:49 pm

I get banned too long for that..
The one and only

Number of posts : 64
Registration date : 2008-12-11

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Ieatsurbabiez? Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:43 pm

You have been banned for the following reason:
violating forum rules

Date the ban will be lifted: 01-18-2009, 11:00 PM
Do I win? They counldn't specify what I did...

Number of posts : 70
Registration date : 2008-11-19

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Jono Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:44 pm

There are 7 options, one is "violating forum rules" when you did something against the written rules besides spam, personal insults, etc.
The one and only

Number of posts : 64
Registration date : 2008-12-11

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Screaming Jimmy Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:50 pm

LMAO!! What did you do!!??
Screaming Jimmy
Screaming Jimmy
#1 Herpes provider of the East Coast - 3 Year Badge!
#1 Herpes provider of the East Coast - 3 Year Badge!

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Ieatsurbabiez? Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:49 pm

I don't know, that's why I think that answer is lame. Oh wells will find out tonight at 11.

Number of posts : 70
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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Jono Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:55 pm

I just got banned for posting a pic of my sister fucking BO with a strap-on while a goat stands by waiting for some action.

What's wrong with these people.
The one and only

Number of posts : 64
Registration date : 2008-12-11

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Screaming Jimmy Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:24 pm

cant even post wedding pics? what the hell is the world coming too. I was at that ceremony, it was mad beautiful man.
Screaming Jimmy
Screaming Jimmy
#1 Herpes provider of the East Coast - 3 Year Badge!
#1 Herpes provider of the East Coast - 3 Year Badge!

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Ieatsurbabiez? Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:54 pm

That was the first wedding to make me cream my pants.

Number of posts : 70
Registration date : 2008-11-19

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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by lulzViking Sun Jan 18, 2009 6:50 am

Jono wrote:I just got banned for posting a pic of my sister fucking BO with a strap-on while a goat stands by waiting for some action.

What's wrong with these people.

But.... you promised.... Sad
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New midgame/endgame Empty Re: New midgame/endgame

Post by Ms. Evil Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:09 pm

New midgame/endgame Goatse-demotivational-poster
Ms. Evil
goatse PRO

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